SLICENET – End-to-End Cognitive Network Slicing and Slice Management Framework in Virtualised Multi-Domain, Multi-Tenant 5G Networks
June 2017 – may 2020
Role: Technical Coordinator for UPC

5G use cases are so diverse and challenging that the 5G networks must be customisable for the broad range of individual scenarios. 5G network providers are keen to offer “networks as a service” where logical network slices are created and allocated to use cases flexibly and efficiently in a multi-operator environment. SliceNet will create and demonstrate the tools and mechanisms to achieve this ambition. Specifically, SliceNet will design, prototype and demonstrate an innovative, verticals-oriented, QoE-driven 5G network slicing framework. It will use cognitive network management, control and orchestration techniques for the provision and operation of end-to-end slicing across multi-operator domains in 5G networks. SliceNet will systematically tackle a range of the involved outstanding issues and thus directly addresses the key challenges in Strand 3 “Software Network” in this call ICT-07-2017. The integrated SliceNet framework will be demonstrated in three representative vertical use cases: Smart Grid, eHealth and Smart City, to highlight the achievements, innovations, and impacts. SliceNet support the unique perspectives and requirements on 5G networks of different players: For 5G verticals businesses, SliceNet offers an innovative one-stop shop solution to meet diverging and demanding service requirements. SliceNet enables the verticals to plug and play their use cases with bespoke control to employ 5G slices in a scalable, cost-efficient way via novel mySlice and Scalable Slicing as a Service functions and a one-stop API. For 5G service providers and users, SliceNet provides unprecedented guaranteed service quality by agile cognitive QoE-optimisation of service creation and delivery. For 5G network operators, SliceNet presents an integrated FCAPS (Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, Security) framework for truly end-to-end management, control and orchestration of slices by secured, interoperable, and reliable operations across multi-operator domains.


ELASTIC – Enhanced opticaL networks featuring Adaptable and highly Scalable multi-granular Transport servICes
January 2012 – December 2014
Role: Technical Coordinator

In the years to come, network operators will unavoidably be faced with the challenge of designing highly flexible optical networks that efficiently transport a wide range of data-centric applications with diverse characteristics and requirements. It is therefore critical to start laying the foundations of advanced network architectures taking full advantage of cutting-edge optical switching and transmission technologies in order to seamlessly cope with today‘s and tomorrow‘s applications needs. In the light of the described scenario, the ELASTIC project will pursuit the design and assessment of novel network architectures offering multi-service provisioning features as well as to effectively respond to a variety of upper layer application requirements.


LIGHTNESS – Low latency and high throughput dynamic network infrastructures for high performance datacentre interconnects
November 2012 – October 2015
Role: Technical Coordinator for UPC

The main objective of the LIGHTNESS project is the design, implementation and experimental evaluation of a high-performance network infrastructure for data centres, where innovative photonic switching and transmission solutions are deployed. Harnessing the power of optics will enable data centres to effectively cope with the unprecedented demand growth to be faced in the near future, which will be driven by the increasing popularity of computing and storage server-side applications in the society. Indeed, the deployment of optical transmission systems leveraging Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) allows the transmission of more than a hundred of wavelength channels operating at 10, 40, 100 Gb/s and beyond. This effectively results in “unlimited” bandwidth capacities of multiple Terabit/s per fibre link, which can be efficiently utilized through next-generation all-optical switching paradigms like Optical Circuit Switching (OCS) or Optical Packet Switching (OPS).


FIBRE – Future Internet Testbeds Experimentation between Brazil and Europe
November 2011 – March 2014
Role: Technical Coordinator for the Optical Communications group of UPC

FIBRE is about building and operating a federated large-scale experimental Future Internet facility distributed between Brazil and Europe, to foster the generation of new Brazilian-European partnerships that innovate in Future Internet infrastructure and applications. This overall goal can be broken down into the following objectives:
– Build a shared large-scale experimental facility that enables experimentation on network infrastructure and distributed applications, consisting in a new testbed in Brazil and an enhancement of the FP7 OFELIA facility – currently under development – and the basic wireless facility of FP7 OneLab, the UTH NITOS testbed, both in Europe.
– Federate the Brazilian and European facilities, to allow researchers to use resources of both testbeds in the same experiment.
– Showcase the potential of the facility by demonstrating experimental network-enabled applications deployed on top of the federated facilities resources.
– Enhance the collaboration and exchange of knowledge between European and Brazilian researchers in the field of Future Internet.


EULER – Experimental UpdateLess Evolutive Routing
October 2010 – June 2014
Role: Technical Contributor

The main objective of the EULER exploratory research project is to investigate new routing paradigms so as to design, develop, and validate experimentally a distributed and dynamic routing scheme suitable for the future Internet and its evolution. The resulting routing scheme(s) is/are intended to address the fundamental limits of current stretch-1 shortest-path routing in terms of routing table scalability but also topology and policy dynamics (perform efficiently under dynamic network conditions). Therefore, this project will investigate trade-offs between routing table size (to enhance scalability), routing scheme stretch (to ensure routing quality) and communication cost (to efficiently and timely react to various failures). The project will develop appropriate tools to evaluate the performance of the proposed routing schemes on large-scale topologies (order of 10k nodes). Prototype of the routing protocols as well as their functional validation and performance benchmarking on the iLAB experimental facility and/or virtual experimental facilities such as PlanetLab/OneLab will allow validating under realistic conditions the overall behaviour of the proposed routing schemes.