NOBEL 2 IST project

Nobel2 Next Generation Optical Networks for Broadband European Leadership – phase 2

March 2006 – February 2008

Leveraging all results obtained in phase 1, NOBEL phase 2 will consider the medium-term, long-term and extended long-term scenarios, focusing in particular on the last two, and will face with two major challenges. The first is the evolution of the data plane technology in order to reach an ‘optimum techno-economic balance’ between optical/electrical and circuit/packet routing and switching. The second is the evolution of the network control plane towards an unified control plane that is able of improving the seamless end-to-end network service capabilities in a flexible and scalable way. Moreover, NOBEL phase 2 will consider the opportunity deriving from the convergence of fixed and mobile services, analysing its impact on the metro and core parts of the network. To achieve the overall goals of NOBEL phase 2, the following main objectives were identified.